
Live painting at The Stirring's 9th Anniversary Service

So this past Sunday this little thing we call The Stirring celebrated 9 years. Here are some photos of me painting live during the service. 

Rudy Howard and Ephie Johnson joined The Stirring Band to bring us some Memphis soul music. When those two are singing, I would really like to be doing some big painting where i can get into the groove and start slinging paint some paint. But alas, I think that would be too much of a mess. As it was, I still somehow managed to get paint on my hat (thankfully it washed out).

Adding Chester to the painting. 

Like Eli said, The Stirring has been on quite the journey, but it's been a privilege to walk it with all those who love and support The Stirring.

Not exactly sure what the title will be for this one. It's based on this doodle that I called "Ready to Go" and at the time the image was about wanting to get back to the mountains, a place i love and feel at peace. But recently, the image came back to mind and I saw it differently. Now, I see Chester picking up the pieces of his broken heart and moving on. He's determined to get out of this dark valley and back to mountain tops.  

"Ready to Move On." 2010 © Richard Fudge

30"x40" canvas. acrylic medium. 

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