
New work in the works

Although I've taken a break from the daily doodle entries, that doesn't mean I've stopped making any art. In fact, I started 2 new pieces this weekend based on recent journal doodles. Above is a 12"x12" painting that I started this weekend. It's not yet finished, but it's far enough along to share with you. I've got a second one that's about half way complete. I'm hoping to have them both complete in time for my art opening/open house event this Saturday. I'm not sure of the titles yet or if this is the start of a new series, but I'm enjoying doing something different from my other work.

I'm not sure where I got the quote from, but it really hit home. These unintended consequences. In an effort to stop having nightmares, you stop having any dreams. Or in an effort numb the pain heartbreak, you numb your heart so entirely that you stop feeling joy or love.

Recommended listening: "Novacaine" by Amber Rubarth

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