
In the Grove - Artist statement revised

Not Your Typical Yard Work

I have an enormous backyard. It’s nearly one acre but located in an average Memphis neighborhood. Most days I feel blessed. Other days I remember that I have to mow all that. A prominent feature in the yard is the grove of seven large pine trees. As the trees have matured, branches have reached and twisted for light. Finding the lines and forms of the pines to be elegant, I began painting a new series called In the Grove.

Although there are not explicit religious or spiritual themes in the works, the process of creating the paintings has become a
time of prayer and meditation for me. It is very peaceful to be outside in God's creation and create. The act becomes the prayer. "Dear God, thank you so much for this wonderful day and these mighty trees. Thank you for the blessings in my life like this little plot of land that I call my own."

So this summer when I'm not out there behind a mower, I'll be behind an easel flinging some paint around. This is the kind of yard work I could do every day.

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